Fixed Mindset:
The belief that you are born with a certain amount of talent, skill or intelligence and it cannot be improved upon.
Fixed Mindset:
The belief that you are born with a certain amount of talent, skill or intelligence and it cannot be improved upon.
Growth Mindset:
The belief that you can learn from your failures and work with that information in order to improve. That you are capable of growth.
Through the years, we have observed that students’ mindsets and beliefs about themselves have a marked impact on their motivation as well as their progress. Students who believe that they are “smart” seem to do better but often do not handle failure well because it went against their belief about themselves. The opposite is true of students who believe that they are “not smart”.
Seeking to make a difference in this area, we started looking into various pedagogies or a paradigm shift that we can leverage to empower our students. We found the Growth Mindset, which is based on the extensive research and work of Dr. Carol Dweck. It is a paradigm shift to the way we see education, learning and the impact of how we speak to ourselves.
As educators, we began to apply the Growth Mindset into the way we delivered our lessons, the way we spoke to our students and the way we discussed grades (or outcomes). What we have found is that we, too, are impacted by the Growth Mindset. Our paradigms shifted as educators and then as individuals. We learnt to practice the Growth Mndset in our own lives. When we did that, we also saw and felt the impact of it in the classroom with our students.
Reframing the way we see results and changing our conversation about the learning process means that we design our materials with that in mind and we create safe spaces in our classrooms for students to experience what the Growth Mindset is.
At English Ninjas, we steer away from a conversation that only values grades. Instead, we focus on the value of effort, of learning and of progress over time.