Comprehension Open-Ended

Primary 2

What Your Child Will Learn

Techniques covered include

  1. English Ninjas' Predictive Reading Method
  2. Identifying key details and characters
  3. Understanding different questions and what they require
  4. Breaking down cause and effect, and sequencing of events


Primary 3 and 4

What Your Child Will Learn

Techniques covered include

  1. English Ninjas' Predictive Reading Method
  2. Breaking down information in the passage
  3. Identifying key details and characters
  4. Answering in full sentences
  5. Understanding inference questions


What Your Child Will Learn

Techniques covered include

  1. English Ninjas' Predictive Reading Method
  2. Breaking down information in the passage
  3. Identifying tricky sequencing of events
  4. Preparing for higher order thinking
  5. Phrasing answers for success


Primary 5 and 6

What Your Child Will Learn

Techniques covered include

  1. English Ninjas' Predictive Reading Method
  2. Breaking down information in the passage
  3. Handling cause-effect questions
  4. Answering inference questions effectively
  5. Phrasing answers for success


What Your Child Will Learn

Techniques covered include

  1. English Ninjas' Predictive Reading Method
  2. Breaking down information in the passage
  3. Answering five key question types including True/False questions and questions that require interpreting emotions
  4. Phrasing answers for success