Why and How to Use 'Who, Whom, Whose'

👆 Suitable for Upper Primary & Secondary students!

These words give us more details about a person or a group of people. This concept is commonly tested in PSLE Grammar MCQs and Synthesis & Transformation!

To know when to use Who or Whom, use the following easy steps:

Step 1. Identify the action (verb) in the sentence.
Step 2. Determine whether the subject is the DOER or RECEIVER of the action.
Step 3. Use who if the subject is the doer, and whom if the subject is the receiver.

Example 1. The man ( who / whom ) is wearing a red suit is my neighbour.

Step 1. The action is "wearing".
Step 2. The man is the DOER of the action "wearing".
Step 3. The answer is who!

Example 2. Sharon ( who / whom ) her cousin, Daniel, hugged had not seen him for four years.

Step 1. The action is "hugged".
Step 2. Sharon is the RECEIVER of the action "hugged".
Step 3. The answer is whom!

We use Whose when we want to show ownership. It is similar to 's.

Example 3. The cat almost scratched me. Its claws are sharp.

The cat whose claws are sharp almost scratched me.

Practice makes progress! Download a practice sheet for your child below.

Rather than sieving through a mix of grammar questions, the worksheet is intended to help your child with this tricky grammar component through Grammar MCQs and Synthesis & Transformation questions.

Download this worksheet.
Download the answer sheet. (Explanations included!)

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