Articles, Videos and Learning Resources

Here are some articles, videos, downloads, tips and resources to help both students and parents on their learning journey. Do contact us if you have any questions, queries or suggestions on topics or articles featured here.

Revising Effectively for the Oral Exam

Doing well in the oral component is not rocket science even if it makes many of us nervous. With a plethora of topics that are wide-ranging, students sometimes resort to memorising facts or even good phrases. While these things have their place, there are als...

Making The Most Of The June Holiday

Looking for a way to liven up the mid-year break without staycations and avoiding malls? With the MYEs finally conquered, students can now look forward to a well-deserved vacation even if it a rather subdued one thanks to the current Heightened Alert. After week...

How To Do Better In Cloze Passages

Cloze Passages can be fun as it is like fitting together pieces of a jigsaw puzzle! Unfortunately, the sizeable chunk of text might be daunting to a primary schooler – how does one pick the right word amongst so many options, or worse, without any options at all?...

The Ultimate Guide to Surviving a Major Exam

With the major exams looming over the horizon every semester, it would come as no surprise that stress levels in the family reach all-time highs at regular intervals every year. As the pressure to perform well takes the front seat in the lives of studen...

Preparing Your Child For Primary 1 English

Part 1: Reading for Understanding

Balloting fever is officially over, and you can finally rejoice now that your little champ has secured a place in a Primary school! The next big question is how to prepare your child/children for quite possibly the mos...